Casino Games

How to Play Blackjack

If you want to experience a unique gaming experience every time you play slots, then make sure to check the game library from our online casino. There you will find some of the best and newest online slots from top software providers. Below in this article, you will read about our newly acquired online slots, which are worth mentioning and trying out.

Guide for Playing Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most popular and widely played casino games on the planet that features super exciting gameplay. It is a very simple card game that is based on luck and chance, but you can also use a good strategy to get an advantage.

It uses between one and eight standard 52-card decks, where the aim is to beat the dealer by getting either a better hand or the dealer goes bust. The highest hand value that you can achieve is 21 and getting a higher hand value means that you lose the game.

The cards from 1 to 9 count as their number, the Jack, Queen, and King count as 10, while the Ace is either counted as 1 or 11.

The game starts by placing a nominal bet after which you receive two face-up cards while the dealer has one face-down card and one face-up card.

According to the value of your cards, you get to choose whether to hit another card or stand at the featured value. You can also choose to double down your initial bet by 100%, split two cards of the same value and play with two hands, or surrender.

When you are finished drawing cards in the casino game, the dealer will reveal their face-down card. After that, you compare your hand value with the one of the dealer and the one with the better hand wins the round. It is worth noting that a hand of 21 is called “Blackjack.”

Achieving a Blackjack hand pays to most in this game which can go up to 3:2, depending on the variant. However, you must get 21 on your first two cards in order to count.

Winning a regular hand in Blackjack comes with a payout of 1:1, also known as even money. This means that you will double your initial bet if you win. If the round ends up in a tie (you and the dealer have the same hand value), then you will get your bet back.

You should know that in most blackjack variants, the dealer does not draw any cards on soft 17. However, in some other variants, the dealer must hit another card on a hand value of 17.

There is a wide variety of casino games at that can please every type of player. However, it is very important to note that you must always gamble responsibly on the featured games, as you don’t experience gambling harm. Online gaming is all about the fun aspect of the games so make sure not to approach them in any other way.